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Location: Ramada Inn I-95 & Baymeadows Blvd.
Quick Rated Chess Championship G/20;d5 6 rounds. Two sections. $500 prize fund based upon 25 players. Does not impact regular rating. Round 1 starts at 11 am (arrive 30 minutes before). Round 1 starts at 11am. Entry fee: $25 online. $35 Walk-up. JAXCC member discounts available.
Fall Scholastic (K-12) Event 2 of 3: 4 Rounds. Round 1 starts at 9:30 am.  Entry fee: $20 (JAXCC members $15)
Online registration ends Friday at at 11pm . Walk-up registration on Saturday ends 15 minutes before the start of Round 1.
All players must have current USCF ID to play. Can join/renew onsite or on
See events tab

Quick Rated G/20;d5 Championship

Time: 11:00 am - 4:00 pm

Saturday October 15th

This is a USCF rated tournament that is open to everyone with non-expired USCF ID#.

LOCATION: Ramada Inn Baymeadows & I-95, Jacksonville 32256

2 Sections:  Open &  U1500, Players can play up one level only. We reserve the right to combine sections based upon number of players.

Prizes:  $500 (based on 25 players).

OPEN : 1st $100 + Trophy – 2nd $75 - 3rd $50    U1500: 1st $100 - 2nd $75 - 3rd $50   U1000 $25   Special prize: $25 - Biggest Upset Win

6SS (6 rounds of games Round G/20;d5

EF:  $25 Online price.  $35 Walk-up Registration JAXCC member discount available both online and walk-up registrations.

Registration: 10:00 to 10:45 am.  ONSITE Cash or check only accepted the morning of the event  or  Online Registration is currently open until Friday 11 pm, October14th.  Expired USCF registration can be renewed on site by check or cash. NO CREDIT CARDS accepted onsite.

USCF membership required (we will assist you with a new membership or you need to renew on-site).

Time: Registration 10:00 am - 10:45 am Late arrivals after Round 1 pairings will be paired in the 2nd round. No exceptions. 
Rounds: 11:00 am, 11:45 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:30 pm. & 3:15 (min breaks between Rds.)
Break: 20 minutes between Rounds 4 & 5
Ends: 4:30 pm

Bring own sets and clocks or purchase onsite (cash or check). Wheelchair accessible.

BYE: 1/2 point bye available (limit 2) for registered players, must commit before Rd 2. Non-registered late arrivals will be given 0 point byes for missed rounds. No admissions after round 2.

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We have been given a limited number of passes that will turn into tickets for the JAX area private screening of this exciting new movie at two theaters.  Thursday (22nd) at AMC Orange Park Mall and next week Tuesday night (27th) at Regal Avenues (on Phillips) There are only a few openings for either night and a confirmation from JAXCC email must be received in order to assure entry. There will not be any sales - passes only.

Upon reaching Disney representatives, they were excited to hear that we would hold a chess exhibition of speed chess in the theater lobby to showcase local chess involvement. All confirmed will be asked to arrive 1 hour early to take part in the demonstration. We will hand out flyers about our club, chess training and upcoming events.

If interested please email the club at and wait for a response to confirm reservation.

September 10th JAXCC Double Event

Location: Ramada Inn Baymeadows & I-95

Address: 9150 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville 32256

Fall Scholastic Series (K-12 only) Event #1 of 3

Entry: $20 general / JAXCC $15 members

Time: 9 am Registration Opens (Cash or check);

Play: 4 rounds  G/30;d5

Round 1 starts at 9:30. Play is usually completed by 3 pm

Sections: 2 sections. K-12 Open & K-6 U700 All players must be USCF members with USCF ID # can join USCF on site.

Prizes: Trophies to top 3 finishers in each section.  Grand prix points to all participants that count toward series trophy levels when combined with wins or draws.

Door prizes: Movie Tickets to new Disney chess movie: Queen of Katwe & Full Size Movie Posters

Store: Clocks, boards and sets now available for sale at the event - cash sale only.

JAXCC September Open (all players/all levels) Special Pricing $30/$25 members

NOTE: New Location: Ramada Inn Baymeadows & I-95 Address: 9150 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville 32256

Entry: $30 general / JAXCC $25 members (cash or check only) / Free to IM/GM/FM - no deduction

ONLINE REGISTRATION: until Sept 9th @ 11:00pm (credit card only)

Walk-up Registration: opens at 9:30

Rounds: 4 rounds  G/60;d5

Round 1 starts at 10:00 all rounds start shortly after. 30 minute lunch break between R2 & R3.

2 Sections: Open & U1500; Under prizes for 1st U1800 and 1st U1200

Prizes: $325 (b/o 15 players) with under prizes for lower rated


Prize Money b/o 15 paid entries

Place Open U1500
1st  $100 $65
2nd $50 $45
Under $40 $25

Prize distribution can increase with more players.

We hope to see you there.

NOTE: New Location: Ramada Inn Baymeadows & I-95

Address: 9150 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville 32256

JAXCC Chess Skills Development Program

2016 Fall Schedule has been released. Let the training begin! 

Use this link to print out a copy of our registration form: 2016 JAXCC- FALL Development Program

Eight-Week Training Program

We are offering a block classes within a 3-month semester. Most lessons will end with competitive play between students or instructors to allow practical use of newly acquired knowledge. Lesson plans and homework will be provided for each student. Most students in our program see marked improvement when competing against players from other clubs/programs.

Three group levels based upon U.S.C.F. rating at start of semester

  • Beginners: All Unrated and beginners
  • Minors: ~ 500 USCF Rated and below
  • Majors: ~ Under 1000 USCF

When: Sundays @ 1:30 – 4 pm (see start times below)

Where: 6322 San Jose Blvd. San Jose Church of Christ (Family LIfe  Center to right of chapel) - program is not affiliated with church. They are just very kind and allow us to meet there to support chess and kids.

We just ran the report from the United States Chess Federation (USCF) and we are happy to inform everyone that we continue to make a huge impact on chess in our region of the state. 171 unique players have participated in our rated tournaments like Tuesday night Urban Bean - a free weekly tournament, Scholastic Series (9 events) or Saturday monthly tournaments like Jacksonville City Champion or the new North Florida Open.

In our short time we set out to impact our region with high quality monthly events that offer variety like Blitz, Dual rated time controls and longer. We still have to reschedule our Quick Rated event and our Girls/Ladies Only tournament. We launched a Sunday Kids Club and offered chess classes to beginners and early intermediate level players too. All of this and we're just beginning year two of our restart.

More good things to come. Players Ranks AUG 2016 to see the full list of JAXCC players.

Due to a discovered conflict with another club's event, we are cancelling  our's out of respect for the Ocala Chess Club booking that date first. Their Summer event had been scheduled for this date in advance of our published schedule originally being set for August 15th (a Monday). We changed our date to Saturday upon discovering the error, but we just recognized Ocala had already chosen this date and issued fliers before we updated our event calendar.

It is our belief there is more than enough room on calendars in northern Florida to avoid conflict.

Email Bruce at for information about the Ocala event this Saturday.


Saturday August 13th - Canceled

This is a USCF rated tournament that is open to everyone with non-expired USCF ID#.

LOCATION: San Jose Church of Christ,  6233 San Jose Blvd, Jacksonville 32207

3 Sections:  Open  U1550  & U1000 sections. Players can play up one level only. We reserve the right to combine sections based upon number of players.

Prizes:  $300 (based on 20 players). 

OPEN : 1st $75 + Trophy – 2nd $50    U1550: 1st $75 - 2nd $50   U1000: 1st $50  Special prize: $25 - Biggest Upset Win

6SS (6 rounds of games Round G/20;d5

EF: $20 Walk-up Registration   $15 Online price.  JAXCC member discount available both online and walk-up registrations.

Registration: 10:00 to 10:45 am.  ONSITE Cash or check only accepted the morning of the event  or  Online Registration is currently open until Friday 11 pm, August 12th.  Expired USCF registration can be renewed on site by check or cash. NO CREDIT CARDS accepted onsite.

USCF membership required (we will assist you with a new membership or you need to renew on-site).

Time: Registration 10:00 am - 10:45 am Late arrivals after Round 1 pairings will be paired in the 2nd round. No exceptions. 
Rounds: 11:00 am, 11:45 pm, 12:30 pm, 1:15 pm, 2:30 pm. & 3:15 (min breaks between Rds.)
Break: 20 minutes between Rounds 4 & 5
Ends: 4:30 pm

Bring own sets and clocks or purchase onsite (cash or check). Wheelchair accessible.

BYE: 1/2 point bye available (limit 2) for registered players, must commit before Rd 2. Non-registered late arrivals will be given 0 point byes for missed rounds. No admissions after round 2.

Questions/Comments email

North Florida Open Chess Tournament

Alert!! Online Registration and Early Bird rates ends tonight at 11pm. Save $10 over day of registration pricing for all entries.

See who's registered so far at http://www.chessregister.comand click on the people icon next to event name.

This is a USCF rated tournament that is open to everyone with non-expired USCF ID#.

LOCATION: Ramada Inn I-95 & 9150 Baymeadows Road, Jacksonville 32256

3 Sections:  Open & U1550  U900 sections. Players can play up one level only

Prizes:  $1000 (100% guaranteed as we have eclipsed the 35 player threshold). Cash prizes for best players U2000, U1800, U1200 & U550

OPEN : 1st $175 + Trophy – 2nd $125 – Best U2000 $100    Best U1800 $75       U1550: 1st $150 + Trophy - 2nd $100 – Best Under 1200 $75                                            U900: 1st $100 + Trophy – 2nd $75 – Best Under 550 $50 + Trophy Note: unrated players limited to $50 in section U900

5SS (5 rounds of games1st Round G/45;d5 all other rounds are G/55min + d5sec

EF: $45 Walk-up Registration   $35 Online price.  Players in grades K-12 $25. JAXCC member discount available both online and walk-up registrations.

Registration: 9:00 to 9:40 am.  ONSITE Cash or check only accepted the morning of the event  or  Online Registration is currently open until Friday 11 pm, July 15th.  Expired USCF registration can be renewed on site by check or cash. NO CREDIT CARDS accepted onsite.

USCF membership required (we will assist you with a new membership or you need to renew on-site).

Time: Registration 9:00 am - 9:45 am Late arrivals will be paired in the 2nd round. No exceptions. 
Rounds: 10:00 am, 11:30 pm, 2:00 pm, 4:00 pm, 6:00 pm. (min breaks between Rds.)
Lunch: 1:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Ends: 8:00 pm

Bring own sets and clocks or purchase onsite (cash or check). Wheelchair accessible.

BYE: 1/2 point bye available (limit 2) for registered players, must commit before Rd 2. Non-registered late arrivals will be given 0 point byes for missed rounds. No admissions after round 2.

Ramada Hotel Information: Discounted rate for Chess Tournament guests. (904)737-1700 for reservations. Free WIFI, outdoor pool, fitness center, restaurant. Rooms include refrigerator and microwave included. Nightly rate: $72+tax.

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