Author: JAXCC
Adding Extra Section – U/1000
We are adding a section lower than the Reserve 1: U/1600. The new U/1000 section is currently online at ChessRegister.Com Prizes: 1st place: $100 / 2nd place: $75. Register now at ChessRegister.Com.
First Coast Chess Fest Tournament registration is open at
G/70;d5 for 5 rounds. Saturday & Sunday, January 18-19, 2020
Senior (50+ only) section included!
Go to to register!
PRIZES: $850 (b/o 40 full entries ) 70% Guaranteed!
Location: Address: 11063 Nurseryfields Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32256
3 SECTIONS: Senior / OPEN / U1600
2-Day Schedule 5 round Swiss Event G/70;d5
Ratings Note: We will recognize the USCF JAN Supplement released in December.
Early ENTRY FEEs: $40 until Friday Jan 17 @ 11pm. $50 day of the event only until 30 minutes before round 1. All registrations after that will be paired in round 2.
2020 JAXCC verified members may use $5 discount using DISCOUNT CODES: JAX2020. See "VIEW AVAILABLE DISCOUNTS" link. NOTE: Non-JAXCC members will be charged $10 for misuse of member discount. Email us if you are not sure of your membership status or check the website. At bottom of registration GM/IM/FM free entry until Jan 15th via email. $40 withheld from winnings.
PRIZES: $800 in prize money (b/o 40 full entries) 70% guaranteed.
Seniors (+50): 1st($125), 2nd(100),
OPEN: 1st($150), 2nd($125), U1800($100).
Reserve: U1600: 1st($150), 2nd($100).
UNRATEDS limited to $50 unless in places in OPEN sections and cannot win an underprize must place.
ROUND TIMES: 2-DAY SCHEDULE: All rounds are G/70;d5. Registration Opens at 8:30 - closes at 9:30. Round 1 starts at 10 am. 2 day schedule Saturday@ 10:00a, 1:00p, 4:00p / Sunday 10a & 1:00p.
Hotel Info: Holiday Inn Baymeadows 11063 Nurseryfields Dr., Jacksonville, FL 32250
Mail-in entries price by postmark against above dates
7643 Gate Parkway #104-16, Jacksonville, FL 32256
Email with any questions.
2020 Spring Semester
1/7/2020 Update: Enrollment is currently at 51% of capacity. This is ahead of last semester's pace. We will cap at 120. Classes start this Sunday!
Enrollment is OPEN. The first class is beginning Sunday, January 12th. Email with any questions.
Classes on these dates only:
JAN 12 & 26 FEB 9 & 23 MAR 1, 22 & 29 APR 5
More info about classes (click here)
Enrollment Levels Page (click here)
JAXCCKids show up and show out at Nationals Grade Championships in Orlando!
US Chess' K-12 Grade Nationals was in Orlando this past weekend and 25 area players were there to compete against the best in the nation for each of the 13-grade levels. After seven rounds, our kids had 70.5 wins in 175 games for a 40% win ratio. Seven kids received awards and three placed within the Top 20 in their respective grade levels nationally. We are over the moon, to say the least!
We are not only excited for our kids and their families, but this also serves as validation of our Sunday Kidz Club Chess Development Program. This 120 kid program breaks students into one of 6 ability groups for kids from K to 12th grade. Players come from all over the North Florida area with some crossing the state line from Georgia to train with this area's best players.
Congrats to each player and we look forward to seeing them all return when our 2020 Winter semester begins on Sunday, January 12th. Check back as we will be opening registration for the new semester by the 1st of January.
Rescheduled JAX CITY Championship – Saturday, November 23rd
Finally! We're booked and working out the finer details for the postponed JAX Open Championship event.
Location: 9840 Tapestry Park Circle, Jacksonville, FL 32246Date: Saturday, November 23rdEntry fee: $25 (JAXCC member $5 discount is available)Start 9am Check In / Final Round ends: 6:30pm
There are three sections, an increased prize fund and a reduced entry fee over the previous year. There is no scholastic section which means everyone is playing with the same time controls G/45;d5 for 5 rounds in a single day. Players can take up to two Byes (excused from playing a round).
Registration is now open at: Chesssregister.Com. Prices increase on the day of the tournament by $10.
Opening Session begins at record enrollment and program capacity. Lower levels are closed for Beginners to players under 500 USCF
We are currently assessing the class composition after a tremendous first session turnout. There might be a few opportunities for players rated over 500, but you need to email us if interested. Enrollment is currently turned off. Email to be placed on the waitlist or have a player with strong tournament experience at
State Championship Rescheduled for Oct 4 Weekend.
Sunday Kids Club starts this Sunday, September 8th. All membership levels are now open
2019 FALL dates (corrected 8/19):
SEP 8th, 15th, 22, & 29th
OCT 6th & 27th
NOV 10th & 17th Sundays 1:30 to 3:30
Go to the enrollment page
Location: San Jose Church of Christ, Jacksonville, FL
Last year we capped and it is likely to happen again. We are giving our returning students the opportunity to hold spots by registration at the moment. We will open to all in just a few days.
Make sure to use our secure site SSL - for credit card encryption.
Semester cost for returning Students: $100 / $50 for each returning sibling
Semester cost for new students: $175 / $125 for each new sibling
If you have a combination new/returning, please email us.